Our School Aged programs are designed to give children 5 to 6 years old the opportunity to experience gymnastics in a fun and encouraging environment.
These classes promote physical fitness and allow students to achieve new skills by focusing on their strengths while encouraging development of their weaker areas. Your child will gain confidence in their body, increase their self-esteem, and improve their health and fitness all while having fun!
Maximum 6:1 Student:Teacher Ratio
Classes are 50 minutes at the Kitsilano location.
50 minute OR 75 minute class options are offered at Steveston & Ironwood locations.
50 minute OR 75 minute class options are offered at Steveston & Ironwood locations.
Students must be in Kindergarten or Grade 1. Students will work through movement circuits and skill-based stations to develop fundamental movement patterns and basic body positions and skills.
Ages 5 – 6 years
New Year’s Day
Family Day
Easter Weekend
Victoria Day
Canada Day
BC Day
Labour Day
Thanksgiving Day
Remembrance Day
Winter Break – dates TBA*We will also close for periodic maintenance and Team Training sessions and will give ample notice of dates.
Family Day
Easter Weekend
Victoria Day
Canada Day
BC Day
Labour Day
Thanksgiving Day
Remembrance Day
Winter Break – dates TBA*We will also close for periodic maintenance and Team Training sessions and will give ample notice of dates.
WEEKLY CLASSES – Schedule & Online Registration
KITS refers to the Vancouver-Kitsilano classes, STV indicates the Richmond-Steveston location classes & IRW indicates the Richmond-Ironwood location
All prices are subject to GST.
All students are required to have a current Annual Membership.
Please see Registration Policies.
All students are required to have a current Annual Membership.
Please see Registration Policies.
Drop In to Scheduled Classes
• Drop in Fee Applicable
• Annual Membership required after initial visit
• Drop ins are allowed only where space permits
• Drop ins may be booked no sooner than the Saturday prior to the class.
• Drop ins can be booked online through our registration system. PLEASE NOTE: you must state explicitly in the comments section. If you do not, you will be automatically registered for the month and charged accordingly.
• Annual Membership required after initial visit
• Drop ins are allowed only where space permits
• Drop ins may be booked no sooner than the Saturday prior to the class.
• Drop ins can be booked online through our registration system. PLEASE NOTE: you must state explicitly in the comments section. If you do not, you will be automatically registered for the month and charged accordingly.
– Alternately, please email service@tumbletown.ca to inquire about drop ins
• Drop ins are charged as per the one time drop in rate. Fees will be taken at the time of booking.
• Any family actively enrolled in a class may drop into an additional class at the current program rate.